Maureen (Mo) - Co-Host

In my twenties, if you'd have told me by my sixties, I'd be single with no kids and twice divorced. I'd have said "Nah, you crazy!  I'll be married, (happily, thank you very much), have 2.3 children and a critter or four!"  And hey, I do have this really cute dog, but things don't always go as we planned.  Now, I'm ... usually good with changes.  Life's been ...

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Claudia - Co-Host

My brief history is being born in Switzerland to German parents who can only have met by destiny considering that both were refugees during WW II. My children, whom I love like nobody else, are grown up and are the light and bane of my life: a beautiful and smart daughter and a creative and most unusual son.  I live with...

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Marbella - Regular Guest

"Do you struggle to understand the concept of enjoying your own company?"

I married my High School sweetheart and after my marriage of 25 years came to an end, divorce presented new challenges.  I found myself in my 40's, and the role of mother, sister, nurse, friend, just felt different.  I felt ... 

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Brenda - Regular Guest

Wow, here I am at the end of my 50s…(just turning 59, to be exact)…and asking myself, how did I get here…and more importantly…what’s next, for the last part of my life? 

To back up…a little about myself: I grew up in a small town in Western New York where life was wholesome and simple. I’m the oldest of five, and a…

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Ariana - Regular Guest

Do you ever feel like you're continually reinventing yourself? Currently, I'm a Salesperson for a software engineering company. I'm not technical; I just know which questions to ask and when to bring in the technical people. I used to be a psychotherapist and coach. I worked with families, couples and troubled teens. Though I haven't... 

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She's Aged To Perfection 

A term coined by Mo (Maureen) the first time when we all met in a support group in a program about dating & relationships. That's a couple of years ago and since then we've had MANY calls with women all over the world - all over 45, and many in their 50's and 60's. 

None of us had a lot of deep women friendships in their life before this group, and we realized that  it's invaluable to be in the company of other women who are on the same growth journey.  Sharing stories, experiences, getting different perspectives or insights that we can't see ourselves, or acquiring new knowledge that we couldn't get on our own.

Aging is a huge topic  - particularly for us women. Add dating and relationship... and simply life at this stage on top of that, and you got a whole bunch of challenges at hand which are almost impossible to overcome on our own.

That's why we're here.



It's hard to put in words what our private support circle did for each and every woman in the group. We've cried, we've laughed, we've listened, we've shared, we've felt deep feelings, and almost every time at least one of us is surprised at what they can take out of these conversations, stories, insights - and yes, sometimes sheer wisdom. 

Eventually a couple of us had the idea that we could share this with a bigger circle of women our age. As we've experienced that we're all being challenged by the same stuff:

 - our changing bodies and all that comes along with it

- starting new in the relationship and dating area after a great career or a failed marriage/relationship

- feeling that life how we lived it so far might not be the one we'd like to continue

- realizing that we have run in circles for a long time and being fed up with it, but don't know how to tackle it

- craving love, connection, laughter and ease and this special person in our life and don't know where to start - or to stop the hustle we're caught in 

- standing in our own way and not knowing how to deal with all these emotions - from the past and in the present

The list goes on - it's complex and A LOT to deal with. 

We're confident enough to know that we all possess a good portion of wisdom, and humble enough to know that we can't do it on our own. 

Hence we opened the doors to our BRAND-NEW PODCAST - in December 2023. 

Spread the word, invite your girlfriends and let us know YOUR QUESTIONS which we are happy to pick in one of our upcoming sessions.