"Do you struggle to understand the concept of enjoying your own company?"


I married my High School sweetheart and after my marriage of 25 years came to an end, divorce presented new challenges.  I found myself in my 40's, and the role of mother, sister, nurse, friend, just felt different.  I felt alone and misunderstood. I was young. Without the relationship that I had known for most of my young adult life, I felt empty, then felt angry. Angry that I gave my all.  Angry that I kept my end of the deal and "lost". Angry that my dreams of growing old with the man that I loved was broken. Angry that everything I was trying to create was now destroyed.


My anger found burst of energy and relief with revenge along my journey.  These moments of relief were short lived (but created great stories to share for laughter and learning).  However, I still felt empty and needy.  No book, no advice, no therapy session was able to offer the complete satisfaction and closure that I eventually found within MYSELF.


I learned to enjoy my own company!


I learned how to allow my inner goddess, my inner source, to be my guide.  I learned how to love myself, to be kind to myself, to date myself and understand my true worthiness. I learned to love being alone. I learned to embrace the activities that I enjoy. Dancing, music, shopping, and discovering new foods. I have a profound respect for men and love dating.  These teachings were initially found through an amazing women's group I found online. This group was specifically geared towards single, successful women. It guided me to feel. It guided me to get out of my head and connect with my body. It guided me to think positive thoughts. It guided me to find the truth of who I AM. 


This journey was and continues to be incredible. Along the way I made amazing connections with other women.  Women who understood marriage, divorce, single parenting and had dating disasters and successes to share.  They were women like me.  These beautiful ladies always allowed space to share my progress and my failures. These women are aged to perfection and their life has provided priceless knowledge every time I joined their group conversations. This journey has shed new light on my purpose in life.  It has provided understanding and clarity regarding my connections with family, friends and dates. It is a gift I share with everyone ready to receive.  Life is supposed to be fun and it still is even after disappointment, divorce or death.  


Come to us for Fun.

Come to us to Listen.

Come to us to Laugh.

Come to us to Share a glass of wisdom.