Do you ever feel like you're continually reinventing yourself? Currently, I'm a Salesperson for a software engineering company. I'm not technical; I just know which questions to ask and when to bring in the technical people. I used to be a psychotherapist and coach. I worked with families, couples and troubled teens. Though I haven't practiced psychotherapy in over 15 years, that education and training is very much still a part of me. It's the lens through which I see everything and I'm so grateful for it!

I was married once and have been divorced for 20 years. I got married too young; basically went straight from my family to that relationship. When I look back I see it was a way to avoid becoming my own person and facing decisions about what I wanted to do with my life. He was a wonderful guy but I needed to grow as a person first and do the work. I'm still doing it.


I've had some interesting (and challenging!) experiences as a single person and have learned a lot about myself. Dating online was never my favorite but I did it. A lot. I've moved around too. After my divorce I spent a year in Spain. I also lived in CA and in NY and loved them both, especially NYC. But I suffered from 'destination addiction' -- always hoping that changing my location would make my life work or make it more interesting. Spoiler alert, it didn't and I still had to do the work Lol.


Every time I moved it disrupted my life and I had to start over. Finally I realized that all the moving around meant I had no real anchor anywhere. I didn't feel like anywhere was home, and a level of anxiety was ever-present. Though I was thankful for everything I had experienced and all the people I had met, I realized that I was making my life harder. So after about 20 years I finally moved back to my home state of Arizona. Admittedly not as interesting as some of the places I have lived, but easy living and good to be near family. Although I missed NYC so much (still do!), I immediately found myself feeling calmer and more at peace.


I don't have children, missed my window. I was never in the right relationship at the right time to have them. That said, I was never hell bent on having kids and have always enjoyed my freedoms. Especially with travel. And I love being a pet Mom. Big animal lover here.


I feel like the past 20 years for me have been about growing up and becoming more myself. And now I'm in a wonderful romantic relationship. I'm glad I didn't give up on men, or being in a relationship, because I almost did.


I hope you enjoy what you find on SATP, and that it's a source of support and reflection in your life! We don't pretend to be experts or gurus... just women who have learned a few things along the way who want to share their experiences. And we look forward to learning from you too. We're glad you're here!