Delicious Little Things - 2 / Satisfaction

Aug 01, 2024

At the end of May '24, I had not one, but two big wins.  And it was delicious…

That doc appointment from DLT #1 was prep for ongoing repairs to injuries incurred in an infamous swan dive off a ladder nearly ten years ago.  I’d tried to nurse an ankle back to health, but finally had to admit I’d be settling for about 50% capacity if I didn’t get a little snip & grind.  I’m no stranger to rehab machines and free weights so six weeks ago I got “fixed” and noticed the improvement almost immediately.

The funny thing about fixing yourself is you must be ready to “do the time” for rehab and commit to doing it right or it’s worthless, --minimal at best. (probably why I delayed for so long) At my last post-op appointment, the doc was thrilled, (noting the damage in my ankle had been “really impressive”) and that I could start PT next week --whoo-hoo!  For the past month and a half, I’ve had friends helping drive me places, pick up groceries and neighbors taking out my trash (I’ve cultivated amazing people in my life) but yesterday, I felt ready to fly solo: A) walking the dog and B) grocery shopping!

Now, both of those are relatively mundane things –until you can’t do them.  And when you can again, you realize what you’ve taken for granted and are so grateful to regain those simple acts, it really is a wonderful thing.  Walking the dog around a short block, unassisted (no knee-scooter, no crutches, no amigos) with only a lightweight brace: hugely satisfying!  And then pushing my own cart around a short, very strategic grocery trip for essentials made me feel like a total bad ass!  (I even got “the grin” somewhere near the coconut yogurt and listened when my ankle said, “that’s enough”.)  I’m still driving with my left foot, but hey –progress!   I know there’s a few months of rehab to go but those little wins yesterday, absolutely deeeee-lish!

P.S.:  I wrote this original post at the end of May and there have been several DLTs since.  Looking forward to sharing those with you soon!

What are some of YOUR Delicious Little Things?