39 Things I wish I'd Known Earlier for More Peace, Success & Ease

learning sharing wisdom Jan 06, 2024

Note: The blog is hosted on Claudia's blog and due to reasons of google ranking which punishes the saem content being published in different places we're leaving it there - so if you want to read all the 39 juicy lessons learned, please click on the RED inks in this article. 


How are you doing and how have YOU started your new year?

- still resting and planning?

- jumped back into action right away?

I'm more in the first category. Despite my head almost exploding with ideas, having put up a big flip chart on the wall with 2024 as the headline and believing I was ready to strategize, plan and become super busy right away. 

My body and brain did not comply. The flipchart is stil empty. I could not get any structure in my thoughts, I felt tired quickly. 

So I decided to follow the call of my body and maybe even the universe and took it slower. 

And tada - inspiration hit with THIS

39 things that I knew I had known earlier in my life.

Of course I did not know that it would come to 39...I simply started writing what seemed to flow through me (without working or thinking "hard") and I ended up - after 30 minutes - with those 39 things. 

 And - oh boy - I realized how much easier, peaceful, painless and successful my career and relationships would have been - had I known those things years before! 

One thing I have experienced  - particularly during the last couple of years - that SHARING wisdom and lessons learned is incredibly valuable. 

  • To see things, aspects and perspectives that we might have not been able to before. 
  • To create short-cuts to fulfilling our deep desires and get the results we crave for - be it external success, inner peace (my favourite!!) or any other result...which tends to boil down to FEELING GREAT - whatever this means for you. 
  • To form connections with people we might have never considered connecting with before (some of my best lessons were triggered by people I have not met in real life yet)

If you feel like any of the above resonates with you, have a look at those 39 things.

I BET there are a few - or even many - among them you can benefit from ,or that hit exactly the point you're currently struggling with (let's face it - we're ALL struggling with something - be it big or small)

Let's support each other more in 2024.

As we're all in this life and on this planet together - even if we might be in very different phases or places on our path.

Lots of love and good energy,

Claudia  - founder of The Better Workplace and Part of She's Aged To Perfection

PS: The blog is hosted on Claudia's blog and due to reasons of google ranking we're leaving it there - so if you want to read all the 39 juicy lessons learned, please click on the links in this article.