My brief history is being born in Switzerland to German parents who can only have met by destiny considering both were refugees during WW II.  My children, whom I love like nobody else, are grown up and are the light and bane of my life: a beautiful and smart daughter and a creative and most unusual son.  I live with two dogs and a horse bang in the middle of the Bavarian countryside outside of Munich/Germany. I cook my own jams and grow my own tomatoes and it's a beautiful life.


I spent what I thought were the prime of my years of my life  climbing  the corporate ladder, juggling hundreds of millions, and being the family provider.  After a divorce, I built my first business while raising my kids on my own and relocated my home from Germany to Switzerland. I was what most would consider a Superwoman, a badass, and juggling plenty of areas in my life.  I was greatly admired but inside, I was tired and felt exhausted most of the time. 


After another failed on-and-off relationship of 10 years I suddenly, just short of my fifties, I met a man I believed made me feel I had "arrived".  He was open, trustworthy and funny and on top of it; he showed his emotions and communicated --Jackpot! 


I'd made lots of mistakes in my failed marriage and the 10-year relationship afterwards but arrogantly disregarded them. (fodder for some of our podcasts).  The new man I believed so different than the other two significant men in my life, and that Jackpot idea turned out not to be true.


Five years later after an excruciating separation and an unvoluntary move back to my home country after 15 years in Switzerland, I realized I'd repeated the relationship story of my life and I knew no one could change that story but me.


The last few years have been an amazing and healing journey.  I stayed away from dating and focused on myself for a couple of years, completely pivoting my career to coaching/training with a focus on leading myself and others.  This focus comes from the deep desire to know and understand myself and to generate more peace and love in my life while also providing this same pathway for others.


And I've met wonderful human beings on my way.  Among them are the women in the "about" section of this site.  I only started befriending women later in life because I'd never dared open my heart and soul to them before.  I didn't realize  how valuable the right women in my life are.


Prime of my life.


That's now in my late fifties. And probably tomorrow. And in ten years! 


It's not about being the most beautiful or successful (whatever this means), it's about being me, fully, in all my glory.  I keep finding aspects and sides of myself that are new and it's often scary and very exciting at the same time.  Oh - and I started dating again!  (There are LOTS of stories to tell.)


Now, I'm a proud members of this fantastic group of women in the middle of their lives and I can't wait to talk to you!  We're all in this together.